When you’ve been approved for an FHA loan, VA loan, or conventional mortgage, the Five-Home Rule helps prevent house-hunting burnout while staying focused on properties that match your loan requirements. Here’s how it works:
The Five-Home Rule Explained
Select five homes that:
- Match your pre-approved loan amount
- Meet your loan program’s requirements (our home loan specialists can help with this!)
- FHA loan property standards
- VA loan criteria
- conventional mortgage requirements
Fit your down payment capability
- 3.5% for FHA loans
- no down payment for VA loans
- 20% for conventional mortgages
Are in your target location
- Have similar features for fair comparison
Tour all five homes before making any decisions.
If none feel right, start fresh with five new homes based on what you learned. This methodical approach keeps you from getting overwhelmed or compromising on such a significant financial decision.
Why It Works with Your Home Loan
Each loan program has specific requirements. By viewing only five homes at a time, you can thoroughly evaluate each property against your loan criteria:
- FHA loans require properties to meet certain safety standards
- VA loans have specific property inspection requirements
- Conventional mortgages consider property condition in appraisals
Your Next Steps
Ready to get started? Our home loan specialists are here to help.
Call 833-984-2471 to explore your options.
Learn more about your mortgage options: